Yesterday, I received a letter from The Global Methodist Church stating that Christ Church is approved to enter the Global Methodist Church following our disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church. The disaffiliation should be executed in November or December. We will celebrate our new identity in Christ on the First Sunday of the New Year with formal membership in the new Christ Global Methodist Church.
I have invited a special guest to lead us that Sunday and to welcome Christ Church into the Global Methodist Church. I hope you are excited about this new beginning; I know I am.
I ask you to be in prayer for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church as we approach the November 4th special called Annual Conference to approve 117 churches' exits from United Methodism. Particularly, I have become aware of some people opposing the exits of two churches that have completed the process as we have and are encouraging delegates to vote against these congregations' exits. Pray for civility and grace to rule and that the conference will vote to approve all 117 churches' disaffiliations.
As we enter the new year, I also ask you to consider our service time. We will discuss this at the next town hall. My initial reaction when coming to Christ Church was that 9:30 may not be the best time for encouraging growth in the congregation. Over the last year, I have spoken with some of the visitors that we have had and with potential visitors who have stated that 9:30 is an impediment to their coming. I would like us to consider moving to 10:30 a.m. on Sundays for services, with Sunday School before at 9:30 or 9:15. I believe this will put us in a better time bracket to gain worship attendance in the future. With your support, I would like to make this move on or before the new year.
We are closing in on the funding for our disaffiliation. We will need to take a loan for the remainder of the funds. This will mean that we need even more to support our budget to make the payments; our current plans are for a two-year term to take care of this debt quickly and free up funds for the ministry. If you have not made a donation to the Move on Fund yet or still intend to contribute more to the fund, we encourage you to do so now.
As part of a look at our banking relationship, the fees involved, and the potential loan, the church is moving our accounts to Fidelity Bank with a branch on Union Road. The Leadership Team approved this at their last meeting, and we will switch over the next two months, gradually closing our accounts with PNC in January.
As a part of our new incorporation, we have established the congregation as Christ Church of Gastonia, with a legal operating name of Christ Church. We encourage you to start making checks out to “Christ Church” now. We can deposit them in our current bank account with this name and in our new bank when we transition.
Thank you all for your prayers for Christ Church and our ministries together for the Kingdom!
Christ Church Gastonia is a steadfast Christian community, a part of the Global Methodist movement. We strive to give glory to God our Creator; to be His hands and feet through service to others; and to connect with the local and global communities through witness of Jesus' love. Our strategy is to prepare people for ministry through dynamic worship, vital community outreach, life-changing small group study, and joyful Christian fellowship.