Thanksgiving was a week-long event at the Williams home this week. We had my youngest, Winn, and his betrothed, Jazmine, with us the weekend before last, as they had to be back at Virginia Tech over Thanksgiving weekend, and Jazmine was on call. Then Joshua and his wife Sarah and my brother David joined us for Thanksgiving proper. Of course, I came down with a double ear and sinus infection and spent last week and this week crashing on meds and feeling lousy and without a voice. My brother quipped that it was the quietest Thanksgiving ever. But it was good to be with them and share our love for our growing family.
Next week will be interesting at the parsonage. We hope to have Jimmy Jones replace the HVAC ductwork. The current HVAC ductwork is at least 20 years old and made of Duckboard, a fiberglass product that is beginning to break down and shed dust into the home. Three contractors examined the system and recommended replacement; Jimmy Jones was the contractor the trustees and Leadership committee selected to do the work. It will be a $7,000.00 expenditure, lowering our building fund to a $1,000.00 balance. That fund will need to be replenished soon. This will also need to be done without affecting the budget giving. Our next year's budget will be very close to the same as this year's, if not slightly lower. And we are on track to break even if giving is consistent in December.
Over the last two years, you have generously donated to allow us to leave the UMC and pay for the refurbishment of the parsonage, which has needed this work for some time: the encapsulation of the crawl space, the replacement of the broken master tub with a shower, the repair of the sunken dining room floor, sewer line replacement and now the HVAC ductwork. In addition, much of the church sound system was replaced due to a lightning strike. We have self-contracted everything possible, and when we have contacted work out, we have been mindful of being good stewards of what God has given the church through each of you.
I want you to know how appreciative we are of all you do, especially for our family through caring for the parsonage, and that we do not take any of your generosity for granted.
As we move into this Holiday season and approach the end of the year if you have any yearend charitable giving to do I invite you to consider the church building fund after your regular giving to the church budget.
Pastor Burt
Christ Church Gastonia is a steadfast Christian community, a part of the Global Methodist movement. We strive to give glory to God our Creator; to be His hands and feet through service to others; and to connect with the local and global communities through witness of Jesus' love. Our strategy is to prepare people for ministry through dynamic worship, vital community outreach, life-changing small group study, and joyful Christian fellowship.