Starting June 9th, we will have a combined Sunday School to study the Catechism of The Global Methodist Church. When we finish this study, our Sunday School Classes will revert to their normal format.
The Catechism of the Global Methodist Church is an “educative and regulative formulation of the church’s doctrine. It provides both a faith and learning tool for initiation into the full life of the church and a formal expression of the essential teachings that the church expects its members to understand and believe. Therefore, the learning of the catechism should be viewed, along with baptism and the profession of faith, as a necessary step in approving Christians for membership in the church body.”
“The Goal of the Catechetical Process: The goal of catechesis is to train initiates to understand, recall, profess and enjoy the church’s essential teachings. This includes the essence of the central theological confessions of the Church universal as well as the essential doctrinal commitments of the denomination.” (page one of The Catechism for the Global Methodist Church)
On the 9th, we will examine Parts 2 and 3 of the Catechism and possibly start on Part 4, the actual Catechism itself.
I suggest you download the Catechism Study Guide to a Tablet if you have one or print it if you can. The Study Guide is the GMC Catechism, with all the references provided in full form. Here is the link to the Study Guide. If you print the Study Guide, it is 100 pages. You may prefer to print just the Catechism that has the references without the expanded text. Most of the references are from the Bible, so you can look them up on your own. That is 12 pages and is found HERE.
For this study, we will meet in the Fellowship Hall. I will have slides on the monitors. It will be a discussion format where we look at the 77 statements of the Catechism and the references for each and discuss our understanding of This Statement of Faith. I hope that this will strengthen our faith and help us better articulate what we believe as Christians and as Global Methodists. I do not know how many of the 77 statements we will cover each week; I will prepare for 3 or 4 each Sunday and then cover what time allows, carrying over whatever we do not get to for the next Sunday.
I encourage you to study ahead of time as well, so each week, I will post in the newsletter what we covered the previous week and what I anticipate for the following week.
You may also find the GMC Book of Doctrines and Discipline helpful. It is available on the Global Methodist Church Homepage:
Christ Church Gastonia is a steadfast Christian community, a part of the Global Methodist movement. We strive to give glory to God our Creator; to be His hands and feet through service to others; and to connect with the local and global communities through witness of Jesus' love. Our strategy is to prepare people for ministry through dynamic worship, vital community outreach, life-changing small group study, and joyful Christian fellowship.